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Python调用CANape进行自动化测试## Development history
Companies using CANape (including Vector) are very conservative with open source.

At Caterpillar (circa 2015-2016), an alpha version was developed. It was good. It automated hours of dSpace HIL testing! It is in Caterpillar's firewall.

At Eaton (c. 2017), a beta version was developed. It was good good. It is located in Eaton's firewall.

Code here was developed with the demo version of Vector. It has limitations. I can't afford Vector hardware.

## Future

Python is the future. ADAS5 needs a lot of tests. Python is good at tests. CANape needs Python.

- Vector could develop this. Listen to engineers, not management. Nobody likes COM.
- Someone donates a CANape licence for development.
- Someone forks and continues this work.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
from clipboard
├── python_CANape-master
│   ├── CANape
│   │   ├── __init__.py
│   │   └── _version.py
│   ├── Development
│   │   └── automate.bat
│   ├── Examples
│   │   └── 01_Minimal_CANape.ipynb
│   ├── Google.md
│   ├── MANIFEST.in
│   ├── README.md
│   ├── cython_api
│   │   ├── CANapAPI.h
│   │   ├── bridge.h
│   │   └── canapi.pyx
│   ├── requirements.txt
│   ├── setup.cfg
│   ├── setup.py
│   ├── shocked.png
│   ├── tests
│   │   ├── conftest.py
│   │   └── test_001.py
│   └── versioneer.py
└── 找例子网_python_CANape-master.zip

6 directories, 18 files


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